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  1. Replies

    Re: Nautilus and samba

    Morbious1, That worked. I had to remove wine32 which involved removing libgd:i386 and libgphoto:i386. Those latter two files had to be the libgphoto:64 and libgd:64.

    I will have to find another...
  2. Replies

    Nautilus and samba

    I recently upgraded my 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS. I am usning the Gnome Classic interface both because I like it and it works better on the older hardware I am using (it is an affordability issue). ...
  3. Replies

    Ubuntu 22.04 issues with phpmyAdmin

    I just upgraded my 20.04 desktop and all purpose computer in my Ham Shack to 22.04 after I finally bought a big USB backup drive and backed up my system before upgrading.

    I use the system to do a...
  4. MSI PRO B650-P Motherboard and Ubuntu Linux Compatability

    I am looking at building myself a new computer and would like to use the MSI PRO B650-P motherboard. Is it compatible with Ubuntu Linux? If there are issues, what are they?

    Another question,...
  5. Replies

    Canon MX860 on Ubuntu 20.04

    Used to be that there were Linux drivers for the Canon MX860. I had it working last year on Ubuntu 20.04. Now I can't get it to work because of something that happened in an update and I didn't...
  6. Replies

    [lubuntu] Re: Lubuntu 18.04, Dell e1505n and USB

    I will try the 18.04.5 from and see if it makes any difference. I will reformat my / and /boot partitions which will get rid of the bulk of the other load. I will keep my /home...
  7. Replies

    [lubuntu] Re: Lubuntu 18.04, Dell e1505n and USB

    Interesting, there is and uses much of the symbology of but the .net version must have been the one I looked on. It still has 19.04 listed as the...
  8. Replies

    [lubuntu] Re: Lubuntu 18.04, Dell e1505n and USB

    So to settle things, the e1505 I have is a 32 bit processor. I tried loading Lubuntu 20.04.2 which is 64-bit and got an error message to the effect that I needed an x86-64 processor but only have an...
  9. Replies

    [lubuntu] Re: Lubuntu 18.04, Dell e1505n and USB

    Dennis N,

    CPU op-mode may be 32-bit because the OS is 32 bit. I did some checking and there seemed to be problems running a 64-bit OS on the e1505 because of some hardware in the system. I am...
  10. Replies

    [lubuntu] Re: Lubuntu 18.04, Dell e1505n and USB

    1) You need to recheck on the support for an LTS release. A mainline LTS release is supported for 5 years not 3. While flavors may only support for 3 they may support for longer. Mainline Ubuntu...
  11. Replies

    [lubuntu] Lubuntu 18.04, Dell e1505n and USB

    I am inquiring here first before I post to the Hamlib email.

    I have a Dell e1505n laptop purchased new in 2007 when Dell released this model with Ubuntu Linux on it from the factory. An install...
  12. Re: Taskbars missing in Gnome Flashback on 20.04

    That didn't work. I got no error messages at all. I know that xdg starts my gnome session but I can't find where gnome-panel is called which may be because it is missing. I have another system...
  13. Re: Taskbars missing in Gnome Flashback on 20.04

    UPDATE. I searched the forums and found a thread where some one was having problems with the taskbars in 18.04. The advice was to do a ">killall gnome-panel" and then restart gnome-panel. When I...
  14. Taskbars missing in Gnome Flashback on 20.04

    I like the Gnome Flashback desktop. The problem is my taskbars have disappeared. They disappeared after having a internal network problem while logged into my Ubuntu system via xrdp from a Windows...
  15. [SOLVED] Re: Problems with Firefox (81) and video after reloading 20.04

    Thanks CelticWarrior. Unfortunately that didn't work as I had no Flash player installed. I did another web search (I don't google) and found the answer:

    >sudo apt install libavcodec-extra
  16. [SOLVED] Problems with Firefox (81) and video after reloading 20.04

    Due to really dorking my system up I reloaded 20.04.1 (except my home directories). I did not do updates while reloading because that caused problems on one attempt. After getting the system...
  17. Time Format in indicator applette complete metacity flashback

    I like the old style desktop. However there is a problem with the "indicator applette complete" in that I cannot get the time format to change to 24 hour format that I prefer. In previous...
  18. [SOLVED] Re: gnome-software (Software Center) does not allow me to install software

    Finally just fresh installed of 20.04. I had too much cruft from multiple upgrades over the last decade or so that just had to be blown out to get things working correctly. I backed up my home...
  19. [SOLVED] gnome-software (Software Center) does not allow me to install software

    Finally got upgraded to 20.04 and am still having issues. This one is that when I run the Software Center, I am not allowed to install software. I used to get queried to input my password as a...
  20. [SOLVED] Cannot Upgrade to 20.04 - Keeps telling me to update

    I am trying to upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04. When I run Software Updater, I get the choice to do it, click on the button, the window disappears and nothing happens.

    When I run "do-release-upgrade"...
  21. Software Updater in 18.04 does not show 20.04

    When I run update-manager from my user account or as root (yes, I gave root a password because I don't like continually running sudo), I do not see the upgrade to 20.04. I would like to move on to...
  22. Thread: Configuring Samba

    by deck

    [ubuntu] Configuring Samba

    I have looked at many threads on configuring Samba and now have nothing basically. My home network consists of three computers running ubuntu (Ubuntu 12.04, Kbuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 10,04) and a Windows...
  23. Replies

    [ubuntu] CDs are not recognized

    Recently, my Ubuntu 12.04 installation quit automatically recognizing CDs when loaded in the player and displaying them as an icon on the desktop. When loading I do get a window that pops-up asking...
  24. Replies

    [ubuntu] Rhythmbox Music Identification

    I am having problems with Rhythmbox and the data it gets for album identification. I have some two CD sets which Rhythmbox keeps identifying as the first disc in the album. What can I do to get it...
  25. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.04 - Revising partitions in file browser

    How does one revise the partions displayed in the file browser. There seems to be no menu choice to do this? I removed some partitions and created some new partitions but the system did not update...
Results 1 to 25 of 30
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